Nitish Kumar, the sole capable leader of becoming India’s next Prime Minister, recently decided to check the market value of the shame left in him. In this advent, Nitish has put up all the shame he had left on a market sale with a bumper Diwali discount. Unsurprisingly, all of it was sold out within minutes of his speech in the Bihar state assembly.
The celebrations of this quick-to-finish sale are likely to keep going for the upcoming few days. While the overall quantity of the shame Nitish was left with was not too much in terms of quantity, the attention it garnered all around the country was incomparable to any recent political stunt in the country.
FreshTake Disclaimer:
This news headline is not satire. This is true. I held complete responsibility for this headline, unlike Nitish who sidelined himself from his statement the very next day. I believe Nitish should not resign from his position but wait to see a dust-tasting defeat in the coming election.